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WW2 L4 - Was Pearl Harbour a Japanese Victory or Mistake?

WW2 L4 - Was Pearl Harbour a Japanese Victory or Mistake?


This lesson contains: 

  • A starter to consider what Roosevelt meant by his speech about a 'day in infamy'.
  • An overview of the Pacific Theatre from the invasions of the Japanese and domination of the islands with a gap fill activity to note down the declining relations between the U.S. and the Japanese.
  • An overview of the location of Pearl Harbour, importance and the reasons it was a good target for the Japanese.
  • A YouTube video to watch some scenes from the Pearl Harbour Film, then an activity to study a series of sources and what we can learn about the attack and the consequences. 
  • A plenary to write a news report from the American perspective of the attack.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 2 x Publisher File

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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