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WW2 L3 - Was Operation Barbarossa a Turning Point?

WW2 L3 - Was Operation Barbarossa a Turning Point?


This lesson contains:

  • Background about the situation in the war and the Nazi invasion. Students consider why the Nazis invaded Russia using the on-board prompts.
  • A run through of Hitler's intentions for Russia and his message to the troops.
  • A discussion of why the Blitzkrieg failed in Russia, in stages, with images.
  • An activity using the information provided to complete a fact file page to record the statistics and the events.
  • A small study of Stalingrad.
  • A colour-coding activity to decide the most severe consequences of the attack for Germany and the war.
  • An opportunity to decide if it was a turning point and study some sources which provoke thought.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 2 x Publisher Files

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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