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WW1 L5 - What Was the Schlieffen Plan?

WW1 L5 - What Was the Schlieffen Plan?


This lesson contains:

  • A starter activity to consider how the Germans might wage war on Europe, given certain criteria, and the students plan the attack, leading nicely to the lesson.
  • An overview of the Schlieffen Plan and what it intended, followed by a video from YouTube explaining how the plan worked. The students complete a summary of the plan on their worksheets.
  • An extension task to define certain key words.
  • A description of the events of the plan and an activity for students to do a guided reading on why it failed. They make notes on the mind map provided on the worksheet.
  • An opportunity to study a useful cartoon source from the time.
  • A task to consider who was to blame for the war breaking out. Student proportion blame for each country, justifying it as they go.
  • A plenary to consider the 'scrap of paper' quote.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 1 x Publisher File
  • 1 x Word File

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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