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Women's Suffrage L4 - Did Emily Davison Intend to Die?

Women's Suffrage L4 - Did Emily Davison Intend to Die?


This lesson contains:

  • A discussion about the definition and reasons for martyrdom.
  • A video from Youtube of the Emily Davison death and a consolidation task to summarise the place and events.
  • Background information about Emily Davison to help the students decide if she was likely to do risky things or not.
  • A sources activity to build up arguments for and against whether she intended to kill herself for the cause, or it was a stunt gone wrong.
  • A plenary to watch a YouTube clip from Claire Balding and then for students to argue for or against her judgement.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 1 x Publisher File

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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