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Why Did the Romans Remove Their Kings?

Why Did the Romans Remove Their Kings?


This lesson contains:

  • A starter to consider the characteristics of a 'good' king.
  • An introduction about the founding of Rome and an opportunity to go through the Romulus and Remus story if you already taught it. the seven kings are introduced and there is an editable map I have made.
  • A discussion of what a 'tyrant' is and what makes a person such. This leads on to the tasks identifying tyrannical behaviour.
  • A task to study the first 6 kings. Students make brief notes from the information cards provided. They note down the good things each king did, and any actions which made him tyrannical. The point here is for students to identify that the kings got more greedy as time went on.
  • An introduction to the last king, Tarquin, and students are given a passage from Livy and need to identify how he came to power and the problems of this. Students then colour-code the actions he took as king and note any good ones, poor decisions and tyrannical ones. They then summarise an argument for the removal of this king.
  • An overview of the end of the kings by Brutus and a plenary asking students to consider what new form of government should take its place to prevent one man becoming that powerful again.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 2 x Publisher Files

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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