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Why Did the Romans Invade Britain?

Why Did the Romans Invade Britain?


This lesson contains:

  • A starter to consider why people come to Britain today. Students might suggest money, education, work, tourism. This leads on to the theme for this lesson.
  • An overview of where Britannia fit into the Roman’s plans and who lived on the island before the Romans came.
  • An activity to watch a video which briefly summarises the reasons why the Romans wanted to invade, and students make notes on their worksheet. The students then get given a more detailed sources sheet which will then help them flesh out their notes and read contemporary sources to extract the information. This can be extended by considering the main reason and giving a score to each.
  • A task for students to study the two invasions and to answer questions on the board about each. This includes noting why Caesar’s invasion may have failed as well as why Claudius’ invasion was more successful and worked. The students get this information from an information sheet.
  • A set of slides which give a brief overview of the consequences of the invasion using pictures and text.
  • A plenary with a quote from Tom Holland and his view of the reason why the Romans invaded. Students can argue with or against this view using what they learned in the lesson.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 2 x Publisher Files

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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