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Was the Republic for 'All' Citizens?

Was the Republic for 'All' Citizens?


This lesson contains:

  • A starter to consider the merits and demerits of democracy vs dictatorships and what problems or benefits they may bring. This leads on to the switch today from kings to republic and how it was structured.
  • Information about the founding of the Republic and the symbols it had. Students then consider what a 'citizen' is. They then summarise what a person had to do to be a Roman citizen. They also find out about women and slaves.
  • An activity to read about Patricians and Plebs before answering consolidation questions about everything taught so far.
  • A task to study the structure of the Republic and answer questions on their worksheet provided showing the role of the different parts of government.
  • An activity on the Twelve Tables. Students study the information provided and answer some questions about the laws, before considering which protected the poor and which empowered the rich.
  • A plenary to consider whether the republic benefitted everyone.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 2 x Publisher Files

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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