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USA L4 - Race Relations in the 1920s

USA L4 - Race Relations in the 1920s


This lesson contains:

  • A starter examining two different 1920's classrooms. Students discuss the difference sand why, leading on the realisation of different treatment.
  • A teacher-led walkthrough of segregation from the Civil War to the aftermath and Jim Crow Laws. Students discuss points on the board and watch a video clip of Dumbo (1930) and see the character Jim Crow and discuss its horrible stereotypes.
  • A task to then watch a short clip on segregation and its effects, then a task to complete a gap fill which can be stuck in their books and helps recap the knowledge. The video also contains mention of the KKK.
  • An activity to study a series of 6 sources and what we can learn about what life was like in the USA for black people at this time. There are different question criteria on the board for groups of sources.
  • A plenary to consider a quote and argue for or against it based on the learning.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 1 x Publisher File
  • 1 x Word File

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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