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Medicine L21 - Magic Bullets & Modern Treatments

Medicine L21 - Magic Bullets & Modern Treatments


This lesson contains:

  • A starter to compare treatments used in the Medieval, Renaissance and the Industrial Era, as a set up for this lesson.
  • An overview of the use of magic bullets, from the early start of Koch’s research and the idea of using anti-bodies to fight disease, to Paul Ehrlich’s approach to curing syphilis. This is aided by visuals on the board and a YouTube summary video.
  • An activity to use the information provided to complete a table of questions on Ehrlich’s discovery of the first magic bullet.
  • A look at how access to care was increased in the modern era and why this happened, using the Boer War and new laws to help students answer the questions.
  • A detailed look at new technology from this era that advanced treatment methods, such as hypodermic needles etc. Students then highlight the improvements on their worksheet that has lots of information about dialysis, x-rays, pace makers etc.
  • A plenary to answer or attempt/plan an exam question.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 2 x Publisher Files

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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