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Medicine L15 - Florence Nightingale & Hospitals

Medicine L15 - Florence Nightingale & Hospitals


This lesson contains:

  • A starter to recap previous knowledge from the course.
  • An activity to produce a mind map using the information presented on the slides about hospitals prior to Florence Nightingale's influence and the problems with nursing.
  • A background to Florence's life and her experiences in the Crimean War, with images to fuel a discussion. Students then use the information provided to complete a series of levelled questions on the board about her experiences in Crimea and the impact she then made at home.
  • A study of a few source images to discuss how they relate to Florence's impact.
  • A final overview of hospitals after Florence, to show the impact she had.
  • An opportunity to answer an exam question about hospitals, comparing this era to the previous one.



  • 1 Powerpoint Presentations
  • 1 x Publisher Files

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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