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Medicine L13 - Pasteur's Germ Theory & Koch's Microbes

Medicine L13 - Pasteur's Germ Theory & Koch's Microbes


This lesson contains:

  • A starter to recap previous course knowledge.
  • A background into the causes of disease by 1700, and what was carried over from the Renaissance.
  • Information about microbes and the old theory of Spontaneous Generation and the problem with it. Students complete the relevent worksheet part.
  • A background to Louis Pasteur and an on-board overview of how Pasteur discovered Germ Theory and his four principles for Germ Theory. This is re-enforced by a short YouTube video and consolidation exercises, including discussing his impact.
  • An overview of the work of Robert Koch and his hunt for microbes, including a chance to complete the worksheet.
  • A detailed look at the vaccinations that came from the work of both scientists.
  • A plenary to search for key words and explain them.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 2 x Publisher Files

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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