How Did People get To Heaven?
This lesson contains:
- A starter to consider what ‘sins’ are committed today and what would be regarded as such. This leads on to the next activity.
- An overview of Medieval sin and the seven deadly sins. Students complete an activity shown on the board in which they match the seven sins to their meaning. This is fun and challenging. You can also enhance the debate about which would be considered sins today.
- A teacher-led walkthrough of some sins on the board using contemporary sources as a way of recapping the sins and checking their knowledge.
- A task to study a serious of information sheets, which can be posted around the room or used in groups, which contains how people tried to please God and gain access to heaven, from going through the priest, pilgrimages, paying etc. This is followed by a task to study 4 different characters and decide which method they would most likely be able to afford/use.
- A final plenary to create a list/poster/advert with advice for how to get to heaven.
- 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
- 3 x Word Files