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Elizabeth L15-16 - Vagabonds and Poverty in Elizabethan England

Elizabeth L15-16 - Vagabonds and Poverty in Elizabethan England

SKU: EL16-17

This lesson contains:

  • A discussion activity starter about what is done today for the poor.
  • A recap of why more Elizabethan people had become poor.
  • Introduction to vagabonds and a task identifying different types, extended to decide which were most dangerous and why.
  • A breakdown of the deserving poor and the idle and lazy.
  • A task using the provided information sheet to determine Elizabethan attitudes towards the poor.
  • A consolidation activity to study the provision of the Poor Laws and which were fair and which were not, to assess whether Elizabeth ultimately helped the poor.
  • A choice of plenaries: a quiz and an exam question.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 1 x Publisher File
  • 2 x Word File

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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