Could You Get Healed in Medieval England?
This lesson contains:
- A starter to consider why it might be difficult to be healed in Medieval villages and towns. This leads on to the lesson nicely and students might find that a lot of provision was available...or not.
- A chance for students to be first taken through the causes of disease. This is recommended as teacher-led on the board as there are lots of visuals. The students make notes on the left-hand side of their worksheet covering Religious, Rational and Supernatural causes. Students take notes in the space given.
- An overview of the healing methods. There are some images on the board to illicit discussion and humour before students use a set of information cards to complete the right-side of their work sheet for the treatments.
- A plenary opportunity to determine how they would solve their own problems using the prompts on the board and to consider the enquiry question as to whether could actually get healed or not.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files