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Cold War L2 & L3 - Tehran, Yalta & Potsdam Conferences

Cold War L2 & L3 - Tehran, Yalta & Potsdam Conferences

SKU: CWL02 &L03


  • A starter to pick the odd one out from each of the three boxes, and explain it.
  • Background information about the allied war effort against Hitler and the idea of the Grand Alliance. 
  • An introduction to the Tehran conference and a discussion of why it was so important for the allies to get along. A video created by Andy Hassan of Mr. Hassan History is provided to summarise the outcomes of the conference. Students then use the information provided to complete a worksheet as they go. 
  • An overview of the Yalta conference and a discussion the changing dynamics based on the state of the war. A video created by Andy Hassan of Mr. Hassan History is provided to summarise the outcomes of the conference. Students then use the information provided to complete a worksheet as they go. 
  • A plenary with some sentence completion recall questions.



  • A starter to recall what went well, and what didn't, at Yalta.
  • A background into the changes going into Potsdam, including the defeat of Hitler, Roosevelt's death and the invention of nuclear energy.
  • A discussion of why the allies met and who attended. Students watch a brief video from Andy Hassan of Mr. Hassan History to summarise the outcomes of the conference. Students use the information provided to note down the major agreements and disagreements from the conference.
  • An opportunity to do a narrative using the help prompts on the board to direct the students in how to write a narrative. An example is used from a simple movie to show the importance of linking events. The help on the board will assist the students writing their narrative.
  • A choice of final plenaries: either a sorting table or quiz questions.



  • 1 x Powerpoint Presentation
  • 4 x Publisher Files
  • 2 x Video Files

Use the thumbnails on the side of this image to view samples of what is offered as part of this lesson.

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